Human-Animal Science Hub

Welcome to the Human-Animal Science Hub, a complementary platform to our main website, which has merged with

The Human-Animal Science website offers a range of professional and personalized online and in-person services for pet owners, students, professionals, and organizations within the animal field.

For more information about, Human-Animal Science, and its founder, Roberto Barata, please visit our main website.

Visit the main website

This hub serves as a dedicated space for publishing Roberto Barata's articles while maintaining the independence and autonomy of Human-Animal Science's core mission: to promote and democratize knowledge globally.

Subscription to our hub is free, with no hidden fees or obligations. However, we always welcome any voluntary contributions to support our project.

We invite you to contribute to our mission in various ways:

• Subscribe to our hub for free to stay updated on the latest articles and insights

• Share relevant posts with your audience to help us disseminate valuable information

• Purchase Roberto's Anthrozoology & Animal Training book/ebook or the Fundamentals of Signal Precision in Dog Training Course.


Dog Signals Course

• Make a voluntary contribution to support our project




The content provided by Roberto Barata | Human Animal Science Hub (We/Our/Us) is for informational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or validity of any information on the site. We operate independently and are solely responsible for its views and opinions.


Our hub may feature links to third-party websites or content. We do not verify, endorse, or take responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of third-party sites or their content. Engage with third-party sites at your own discretion.


Our image is exclusively used in this hub and on our website as specified in our Current Functions or with written consent. We are not accountable for the unauthorized use of our image by other entities. Disregard unauthorized image use.


While we offer various services and courses on our main website, possessing a certificate or document from us does not imply our endorsement of any external work or claims. We are not liable for the actions or claims of third parties. Similarly, entities associated with us are not responsible for our views or statements.


This hub does not offer specific advice in anthrozoology, animal science, or related fields. The content is educational and not a replacement for professional guidance. Before acting on any information, consult with relevant professionals.


It is important to emphasize that the viewpoints expressed herein do not represent the author's personal opinions. Additionally, this hub is not intended to endorse or critique specific subjects or individuals. It is also essential to understand that all critical analyses presented are strictly directed toward the content of the studies rather than the authors themselves. This approach ensures a professional and objective examination of the material, maintaining a respectful scholarly discourse and rigor.

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This hub is dedicated to articles on anthrozoology, animal behavior, training, and relevant topics in the field (DA | EN | PT). If you're looking for information on our services or educational offerings, please visit our main website: